IPhone Has 'Hidden' Feature on the Left of Screen - United Success

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IPhone Has 'Hidden' Feature on the Left of Screen

Illustrasi IPhone (Shutterstock) updetails.com
IPhone Illustration (Shutterstock)
On the left side of the iPhone's main screen there is a 'hidden' feature you may not know about.

Have you ever shifted left on the iPhone home screen and saw a bunch of tiles there? Have you ever wondered what it is?

It's called a "widget" and is actually one of the most useful features on iPhone if you take the time to learn how to customize it and add it yourself.

You do not need to dig apps for clues with the navigation widget, for example. You can quickly turn off the lights at home with the Philips Hue widget or set alarms with the Alarm.com widget.

Many integrated applications support, you just need to know how to use it. Here are tips on how to use it.

1. While viewing the main screen, scroll to the screen.

2. This is the widget panel in question. There are many that appear if often use it.

3. This is the widget that allows to set alarm system at home.

4. You can peek at Apple Watch and iPhone battery levels, view upcoming trips with TripIt or packages on the go with Amazon.

5. You can start with your own by scrolling to the bottom of the widget screen and tapping Edit.

6. Now you will see a list of every application that supports widgets. You may be surprised how many are there.

7. Tap the green button to add a widget or red button to delete it. Use the buttons on the right to move them up or down the list.

8. Next, tap the green button next to the "Note" button and now see the most recent notes.

9. Tap the green button next to the "Favorites" icon, and now you have a widget to contact your wife, brother and mother, all sliding off the main screen.

10. Create a sports lover, touch the green button next to the ESPN widget to find out the latest game results.

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