Simple Ways to Fly Flies from Home - United Success

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Simple Ways to Fly Flies from Home

Tak lepas dari siklus hidupnya yang sering hinggap di tempat sampah dan area kotor lainnya, lalat kerap menjadi sumber penyakit.
Not separated from the life cycle that often perched on the trash and other dirty areas, flies are often the source of the disease.
Flies are a bully animal that often appears and makes the atmosphere uncomfortable home. These insects often appear during the rainy season, or when the condition of the house is not clean.

Not separated from the life cycle that often perched on the trash and other dirty areas, flies are often the source of the disease. They will bring dirt and germs to the places that he visited.

If left unchecked will be annoying and bring harm, especially if you have small children at home. Here are some powerful ways to get rid of flies that you can apply at home.

Using Natural Aroma

Natural scent you can get from flowers, seeds, and fruits. Use a finely sliced ​​pandanus leaf and place it on a small plate, then place it in an area with lots of flies.

Can also place lavender flowers on a vase of flowers inside the house. In addition to pandan leaves and lavender, can also use lemon, clove seeds, basil leaves, garlic, or chili powder. Put it on a plate and place it in the area where the fly flies and the fly will go away.

Using Candle Light

Evicting flies using candles is common. This method is quite powerful because flies do not like smoke. Alternatively, use a mosquito coil and place it in an area with lots of flies.

Using Plastic Water Fill

Fill water into clear plastic then hang on the area that many flies. This method is quite easy and powerful. Plastic water can break down the fly's focus.

To note, flies have 3000-6000 eyes on each eye sphere of flies, making fly eyes can not focus on one point. When they see a bag of water, the eyes of flies will be exposed to refraction that makes flies unfocused and goes away.

Note, this method should be used in space with good lighting. The more bright the room will make the refraction more leverage.

Using the Used CD

Almost the same as the plastic method, a glossy CD surface can cause refraction. You can hang a used CD in the fluttered spaces of the fly. Use thin straps / threads so that CD hanger moves more easily when blown.

Using Fan

A powerful fan to block flies because the exhaled wind can disrupt the path and balance fly flies. Hover the fan to the area where a lot of fly, guaranteed the fly will stay away.

Use a fly glue

Glue flies can be found at nearby stores. Use the bait to get the fly approaching. To trap, stick the bait that has a stinging smell like a fish so the flies come around.

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