Google's list become Bad News for WhatsApp - United Success

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Google's list become Bad News for WhatsApp

Ilustrasi penggunaan WhatsApp. [Shutterstock]
Illustration of the use of WhatsApp. [Shutterstock]
Google released a list that spells bad news for WhatsApp.

Google launched the digital market, Google Play Store, five years ago. This week marks the fifth anniversary of the applications market recorded a success, including smartphones and tablet software, movies, music, digital magazines and more.

As part of a birthday celebration, Google published a roundup of apps, games, movies, music, and a bestseller in the US since the beginning.

Unfortunately, such a list looks 'failure' WhatsApp. Facebook's app that claimed the most popular in the world, with 1.2 billion monthly active users, failed record of achievement in the Top Downloaded Apps Play Store from the last five years.

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In contrast, Facebook Messenger chat application was recorded as the highest on the list, with social networking-focused photos, Snapchat, took fifth place.

Here's the complete list of the highest chat app is downloaded, as quoted by the Express:
1. Facebook
2. Facebook Messenger
3. Pandora Radio
4. Instagram
5. Snapchat

From the list looks, WhatsApp more successful with markets outside the United States. The messaging application was ranked top in the list of the Play Store Google UK, with Facebook Messenger in second place.

In addition to the list of the most downloaded applications in the US market, other statistics published to celebrate its fifth anniversary, including the games installed on top.

1. Candy Crush Saga
2. Subway Surfers
3. Temple Run 2
4. Despicable Me
5. Clash of Clans

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