BMW introduced motor technology 'super balanced' that can not fall! - United Success

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BMW introduced motor technology 'super balanced' that can not fall!

BMW Motorrad Vision 100. Next © Daily Mail
Indonesia is one country with the world's highest motor users. Even in the developed countries a motor vehicle is considered as dangerous, because of the lack of public transportation in Indonesia, the motor just so effective vehicle for transportation.

BMW took a gap between the needs of the motor drive and the dangers that lurk riding a motorcycle rider. Reported by the Daily Mail, the German automotive company to make a prototype motor that is able to rebalance itself and not fall because it is a draw. Because of the imbalance, bikers no longer need to wear a helmet to drive.

Motor prototype is named Motorrad Vision Next 100, which was released as a celebration of 100 years of BMW in the automotive business.

Lock motor that also 'zero-emissions' is to be balanced is in tires, where the wheels are designed to stand stable even after the 'tilted' to turn. This situation is maintained even though the motor in the stopped state. Therefore, BMW does not even recommend this bike riders to wear helmets.

BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100 Daily Mail
BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100 Daily Mail
BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100 Daily Mail
One another uniqueness of this motorcycle is 'flexframe,' ie flexible frame from the front to the rear of this motor. This indicates that this bike can be ridden without the various 'joints' frame that is commonly found in conventional motors. With the handlebar bend wheel, the entire frame will also move and change direction of the motor when running.

Sophistication does not stop at the physical motors, because riders can even 'interact' with the only motor of a digital eyewear that looks very futuristic. These glasses can provide a variety of data such as speed and the situation in front of the driver. This information appears only with orders made by eye movements.

Interesting? Very. However, the mass production of these motors are very expensive, making this bike will not appear in the near future. Predictions, at least before 2030.
BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100 Daily Mail

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