Ice cream lovers in New York Medium Joy of Watching Ice Cream with Cone Taiyaki - United Success

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Ice cream lovers in New York Medium Joy of Watching Ice Cream with Cone Taiyaki

Photo: taiyakinyc

Ice cream with cone Taiyaki popular in Jakarta. In New York soft ice cream loaded in Taiyaki. Ice cream taste more fun.

Taiyaki is a traditional Japanese cakes sold on the sidewalk. Usually served with stuffing soft azuki beans legit.

Taiyaki consists of two words, namely 'tai' which means fish and "yaki" means grilled. This cake is made from flour, sugar, milk and eggs so that the texture is soft and sweet.

In Taiyaki NYC, Manhattan Chinatown, USA, Taiyaki used as an ice cream cone or container. If in Jakarta filled with plain ice cream, there is filled with soft ice cream. In addition to a beautiful texture, softer ice cream and melted in the mouth.

According to the report (09.16.16) are popular Matcha Better. Taiyaki dough stuffed red beans (ogura), ice cream matcha, and matcha mochi powder, strawberry and wafers, more topping options exist Graham biscuits and chocolate powder.

Enthusiasm of the citizens of New York was less pronounced because of the many food porn Taiyaki NYC on Instagram. Understand it looks very tempting.

Taiyaki tanned with gaping fish form. Contains soft ice cream topped with a screw-shaped wafers, strawberry and chocolate sprinkles colorful.

It's also considered to be very fitting, such as comments on Instagram account @ cywong02. "The ice cream is so light, its Taiyaki not so sweet and so warm. The depth of the melt so fast!"

In Jakarta if you want to enjoy Taiyaki with biscuit crumbs topping or ice cream can stop in Tai Parfait at some malls. Although the contents are not soft ice cream but plain ice cream of various flavors.

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